2009-03-30 0.7.0
- integrating
- OpenOffice.org,
- HBCI support and
- providing imports or exports from respectively to
- it is
- Cross-Plattform (Linux and Windows (r)(tm)) and
- portable
Auf Linuxmint.com der Projektseite zu dem technisch ambitioniertesten Ubuntu basierten Projekt wurde zeitnahe zu der Veröffentlichung der Ubuntu Version 9.04 die Roadmap zur auf die aktuellste Ubuntu Version aufbauende Linux Mint 7 freigegeben. Diese bietet interessante Einblicke auf die neue Version und damit einhergehende Verbesserungen. Weitere Infos folgen.
I’ll try to be brief as I’m extremely busy working on the upcoming Linux Mint 7 release. I haven’t communicated much in the last few days so here’s a quick post to let you know what’s going on.
The new artwork is based on Shiki-Wise. It looks fantastic but it also presents a few usability problems. I’m planning on releasing it as the default artwork for the RC release and eventually switch back to the traditional artwork and have this new one as an alternative for the stable release.
Please be patient and if you connect to the Gloria repositories to give the new features a try, please remember that Mint 7 isn’t stable yet. Screenshots and updates will follow as we get closer to the release."